“The afternoon knows what the morning never expected.” Had I heard Poet Laureate Robert Frost ‘s wise words in my teens or 20s, I would have been filled with dread. In high school, I was so resistant to the idea of aging that I secretly hoped that at the age of 29.9 I would

Benefits Of Mindfulness Meditation On Aging

Give Your Mind A Break With Focus Meditation Many of us experience grief as a mental fog. It is normal to feel scattered and forgetful – so go easy on yourself. Just like the warning label on many prescription drugs, it might be a good idea to steer clear of operating a car or any

Focus Meditation For Grief

When you were a child, did anyone ask you “what do you want to be when you grow up?”  If so, what did you answer? Most of us had grand visions for our future—we did not set limits on what we could accomplish. Our imagination was free to roam wild, unburdened by what Mike Dooley

Vision Board for Your Life After Loss

I like to think of cultivating equanimity as similar to lifting weights at the gym. Each time you invite your mind back to the present when it wanders, and each time you simply receive sensory input without reacting, it is as if you are lifting weights for your brain.

What Is Equanimity?

Learning to Fall is a coming of age documentary exploring loss, vulnerability, & growth during young adulthood produced by Niccole Osborn. This is her story. You can contribute to the Learning to Fall project to help make this movie a reality, and share the story of love, loss & posttraumatic growth with others who will

Grief In Young Adulthood: Learning To Fall

Register to Attend ADEC 2016 In Person | Register for The ADEC 2016 Webcast Heather Stang will present for the third year in a row at the Association of Death Education and Counseling Annul Conference, held in Minneapolis, MN. This year, the theme of her talk will explore mindfulness-based techniques to develop and improve coping

ADEC 2016: Heather Stang To Present Mindfulness & Grief – Coping Skills For Life After Loss

Your grief journal will help you speak your truth without judgement, untangle confusing thoughts, honor your loved one, and explore your continuing narrative in your life after loss. Additionally, you can use a grief journal to continue your conversation with your loved one after their death. After all, the relationship you have never goes away—the

How To Choose A Grief Journal

Free guided body scan meditation audio download plus written instructions to help cultivate awareness and appreciate your own precious life force.

Guided Body Scan Meditation for Beginners

February is the host to Sharon Salzberg’s 28 day “Real Happiness Meditation Challenge,” an online event designed to help both beginning and experienced meditators “#Commit2Sit.” Of course this year is a leap year, so we get an extra day to strengthen our meditation muscles! The challenge is inspired by her bestselling book Real Happiness: The

Book Review: Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation by Sharon Salzberg

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and with it comes a barrage of commercials featuring idyllic couples lavishing each other with gifts—from chocolate to diamonds to luxury vehicles. While I am not one to ever turn down a box of truffles or something sparkly, let us not forget the reason for the season: love.

Meditation For Couples: Reduce Negativity With Mindfulness & Loving-Kindness

New research on mindfulness and dementia caregiver stress shows promise. Here are a few tips to incorporate mindfulness meditation into your life.

Reducing Dementia Caregiver Stress: Focus on Mindful Meditation

You may be familiar by now with the physical, emotional and psychological stress that are the unfortunate side-effects of caring for a loved one with dementia. As if the pain of someone dear to you wasn’t difficult enough, your own body and mind may begin to suffer as you use your own precious resources to

Reducing Dementia Caregiver Stress: Focus on Mindful Meditation

Techniques of Grief Therapy: Assessment and Intervention, edited by Dr. Robert A. Neimeyer, launched on October 16, 2015 and is already a best seller. A follow up to his first volume, Techniques of Grief Therapy: Creative Practices for Counseling the Bereaved, this new release features the contributions of dozens of grief professionals selected by Dr. Neimeyer,

Techniques of Grief Therapy: Assessment and Intervention – An Interview with Robert Neimeyer

Techniques of Grief Therapy: Assessment and Intervention, edited by Dr. Robert A. Neimeyer, launched on October 16, 2015 and is already a best seller. A follow up to his first volume, Techniques of Grief Therapy: Creative Practices for Counseling the Bereaved, this new release features the contributions of dozens of grief professionals selected by Dr. Neimeyer,

Dr. Robert A. Neimeyer on Techniques of Grief Therapy: Assessment and Intervention

Techniques of Grief Therapy: Assessment and Intervention, edited by Dr. Robert A. Neimeyer, launched on October 16, 2015 and is already a best seller. A follow up to his first volume, Techniques of Grief Therapy: Creative Practices for Counseling the Bereaved, this new release features the contributions of dozens of grief professionals selected by Dr. Neimeyer,

Techniques of Grief Therapy: Assessment and Intervention – An Interview with Dr. Robert Neimeyer