A Groundbreaking Grief Book That Finally Addresses Non-Death Loss

Discover a path through the uncharted, invisible territory of grief and learn how you can cope, adjust, and even grow through the different types of losses in life.

Grounded in author Heather Stang’s expertise and heartfelt desire to relieve suffering, Navigating Loss explores the invisible, often minimized nature of grief in a variety of losses, from aging or illness to redundancy, estrangement, or even environmental loss.

Cultivate presence and find strength through the practical actions of mindfulness meditation, somatic yoga, journaling, creativity, rituals, and physical self-care as you tend to your pain and honor your loss.

“The types of losses I experienced—divorce, parental estrangement, identity, financial hardship, my home, stability, childhood innocence, betrayal, and the dream I had for how my life would unfold—are so common that they are often invisible not only to others, but to ourselves. Ubiquity, however, does not make any of these losses less painful.

- Heather Stang, Navigating Loss Prologue


Sign up here to download the front matter, prologue, and part of the first chapter of Navigating Loss before its release on November 12, 2024.


Sign up now to download the front matter, prologue, and part of the first chapter of Navigating Loss before its release on November 12, 2024.


Sign up now to download the front matter, prologue, and part of the first chapter of Navigating Loss before its release on November 12, 2024.

Advance Praise

what the experts say

Ken Doka

Kenneth J Doka, PhD // Senior Vice-President, The Hospice Foundation of America

Heather Stang's Navigating Loss is a valued compass for navigating a wide range of life's losses. Grieving individuals will find it both informative and full of activities and exercises to assist in coping with grief. It is a wonderful resource for the bereaved

Claudia Coenen

Claudia Coenen, CGC, FT, MTP // Author of Shattered by Grief: Picking up the Pieces to Become WHOLE Again

We tend to think of grief as something that occurs only after a death. Navigating Loss offers solace for grief that is often dismissed, arising from non-death and disenfranchised losses. The warm presentation of stories and clear practices to use for processing will be a boon to all who pick up this book.

Darcy Harris

Darcy Harris, PhD, FT // Professor and Thanatology Department Faculty Member of King’s University College in London, Canada

Navigating Loss is a clear and compassionate guide for people coping with various types of death and non-death losses. Heather Stang does a wonderful job weaving the evidence-based/research-informed current thinking about loss and grief with very relatable stories and practical tools to cope with and adapt to life’s unwelcome changes.

Lindsey Whissel Fenton // Filmmaker, Speaker, Writer, Creator of Speaking Grief

So many of us fail to honor our non-death grief. Through Navigating Loss, Heather Stang gives us permission to grieve all of our losses and offers practical and needed guidance that is warm, insightful, and relatable

Terri Daniel

Dr. Terri Daniel, CT, FFGT // Interfaith Hospice Chaplain, End-of-Life Educator, Grief and Trauma Support

Heather is an insightful and skilled grief counselor who excels at discovering new pathways and innovative frameworks for exploring grief and loss. This book highlights refreshing new angles and practical approaches to managing the day-to-day work of grieving, and is a valuable tool for anyone coping with loss

Patti Anewalt

Patti Anewalt, PhD, LPC, FT  // Founder and Previous Director Pathways Center for Grief & Loss

Heather’s use of metaphors, case examples along with her personal experiences enrich this practical guide about surviving and thriving after loss. It offers hope to anyone struggling in their grief who doesn’t know where to turn or how to cope.

Jason Wendroff-Rawnicki

Jason Wendroff-Rawnicki // Filmmaker, Speaker, Writer, Creator of Speaking Grief

Most writers only focus on the way we think and feel about grief. Heather’s understanding of the way that moving the body plays an integral part in the healing process shows the depth of her knowledge on this subject. Mindfulness and intentionality bring us into the present moment and it is from that place we can make changes in our lives

In my own words...

Over the years, so many clients, friends, and colleagues have asked me, “What if I’m grieving something that isn’t a death? Is that still grief?” Each time, I’ve felt the weight of their questions because I, too, have experienced the deep sorrow of non-death losses. It’s all too easy to minimize or ignore these griefs—both in ourselves and in others. Whether it’s the loss of a relationship, financial stability, a role, or a dream, these experiences deserve to be seen, honored, and processed with care.

This book is deeply personal to me, shaped by my own experiences, the stories of countless clients, and the insights I’ve gained through my work in the field of thanatology. One pivotal moment came during a talk by grief therapist Dr. Darcy Harris at a conference, where she explored the concept of non-death losses.

As I listened, I was deeply moved, realizing that I had been minimizing many of my own losses—like estrangement, divorce, and the loss of dreams I once had for my life. Her words gave me permission to see these invisible griefs for what they were and inspired me to write Navigating Loss to help others do the same.

In Navigating Loss, I delve into the work of pioneering experts whose research on non-death grief laid the academic foundation for this book. However, what truly breathes life into these pages are the deeply personal stories shared by the clients I’ve had the honor to walk alongside. Their courage in confronting losses such as caregiving burnout, estrangement, and identity shifts has been a profound reminder that all grief—regardless of whether it fits society’s conventional definitions—deserves to be acknowledged, held, and honored.

Navigating Loss is more than a book—it’s a heartfelt companion on your journey through grief. Grounded in evidence-based tools and wrapped in personal stories and practical practices, it offers validation, comfort, and hope. My goal is that it meets you exactly where you are and helps you move forward with compassion, no matter what kind of loss you are facing.

from the jacket

Navigating Loss: Wisdom and self-care for times of grief and the challenges of life

Grief and loss are part of life’s journey for all of us, but despite their inevitability, we can find ourselves adrift in the wilderness of our sadness, with our world no longer looking the same as it once did.

As well as the passing of a loved one, a vast range of non-death losses can similarly leave you in unfamiliar terrain—the loss of a job, health, a relationship, or even a sense of safety. In Navigating Loss, author and grief expert Heather Stang acknowledges the profound impact these losses have and guides you toward giving yourself permission to grieve them as genuinely as any physical loss.

Written in a voice of compassion and support, Heather offers you practical strategies to chart a new course. These tools—mindfulness meditation, journaling, somatic yoga, physical self-care, rituals, and creative expression—are not about returning to where you were before the loss. They are about discovering new paths and new ways of being that honor your journey and the transformation it brings.

The journey of grief is ongoing. There is no final destination or point at which you are “over” your loss. Instead, there is a continuous process of learning, growing, and adapting. Navigating Loss is a companion for that journey, providing guidance when the way forward is unclear and celebrating your milestones of understanding and acceptance.

With the self-care and mindfulness practices in this book, you will become equipped with the tools and insights necessary to find your way, embrace change, and emerge with a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

HEATHER STANG, M.A., C-IAYT, has a master’s degree in thanatology (death, dying, and bereavement) and over 20 years’ experience in mind-body therapies as a certified Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapist. Heather is the founder of the Mindfulness and Grief Institute, host of the Mindfulness and Grief podcast, and is on the Advisory Board for the highly regarded military family survivor organization, Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS). Heather offers professional training and workshops to organizations including the Association of Death Education and Counseling, the Hospice Foundation of America, the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, and the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation. She has an established practice offering private mindfulness-based grief therapy sessions, day-long retreats, and AWAKEN, an online grief support group and course. She has contributed to numerous grief therapy titles and is the author of Living with Grief and From Grief to Peace (both published by CICO Books). Heather is based in West Virginia, USA. For more information on Heather’s work, please visit www.heatherstang.com.

Table of Contents, Exercises, & Chapter Summaries

A Journey of Loss and Healing

I share my personal experiences with loss, inviting you to reflect on your own journey and prepare for the path ahead. This chapter sets the tone, reminding you that you are not alone and healing is possible.


What is Loss?

Loss comes in many forms—death, divorce, illness, or shattered dreams—and this chapter expands the definition to include them all. It will help you recognize that your grief is valid, no matter what kind of loss you’ve experienced.

Chapter 1

The Rocky Terrain of Unacknowledged Loss

Many losses are dismissed by society, such as caregiving burnout or estranged relationships. This chapter offers validation and encourages you to embrace your hidden grief as a critical step toward healing.

Exercise: Reflecting on Your Disenfranchised Grief – Journal about the losses in your life that others may not see or acknowledge.

Chapter 2

The Language of Loss

Grief is easier to manage when we give it a name and language. This chapter introduces the concept of “grief literacy” and empowers you to understand and express your experience.

Exercise: Charting Your Grief Timeline – Create a timeline of your life’s losses and milestones to gain insight and clarity.

Chapter 3 

Mindful Tools for Your Healing Journey

This chapter equips you with mindfulness practices to help calm your mind and navigate grief’s emotional storms. It introduces actionable coping tools to carry with you in moments of overwhelm.

Exercise: Building Healthy Coping Skills – Identify new strategies for self-care that align with your unique healing journey.

Chapter 4 

Tending to Your Grieving Body

Grief lives not only in the heart but also in the body. This chapter explores how movement, yoga, and somatic practices can help you release tension and reconnect with yourself.

Exercise: Somatic Yoga Therapy – Engage in gentle yoga exercises to ground yourself and process your emotions physically.

Chapter 5 

Mindfulness in Facing Difficult Emotions

Grief can bring up fear, anger, sadness, and more—this chapter helps you meet those emotions with awareness instead of avoidance. It teaches you how to stay present during emotional waves.

Exercise: Coming To Your Senses – Use your senses to stay grounded when emotions threaten to overwhelm you.

Chapter 6

Navigating the Emotional Landscape with Compassion

Self-compassion allows you to hold space for your own pain without judgment. This chapter guides you through developing kindness toward yourself in moments of struggle.

Exercise: Befriending Compassion – Practice self-kindness to soften emotional pain and build resilience.

Chapter 7

Writing Your Story

Rewriting your narrative is a powerful way to process grief and reimagine your life. This chapter encourages you to explore how storytelling can shift your perspective.

Exercise: Revisiting a Familiar Story in a New Light – Rewrite a significant life event from a new perspective to gain insight and healing.

Chapter 8

Building Resilience Through Ritual

Rituals create meaning and offer a sense of closure, helping you mark both losses and new beginnings. This chapter provides ideas for personal rituals to strengthen your emotional resilience.

Exercise: Marking Life’s Unseen Milestones – Design a ritual to honor a loss, transition, or personal milestone.

Chapter 9

Reorienting Toward Your Future

After loss, it can be hard to imagine what comes next. This chapter helps you rebuild a future that aligns with your new reality, one step at a time.

Exercise: Reframing Your Loss – Journal about what your loss has taught you and how it will shape your future.

Chapter 10

Finding the Support You Need

Grief can feel isolating, but you don’t have to navigate it alone. This chapter offers advice on finding the right people and resources to support your healing.

Exercise: Crafting Your Story to Share – Prepare a personal story about your grief to share with a trusted person or group.

Chapter 11

How to Help Others Navigate Loss

Supporting others through grief requires empathy and patience. This chapter provides practical ways to show up for loved ones during their most challenging times.

Exercise: Supporting a Grieving Person – Reflect on ways you can offer meaningful support to someone in need.

Chapter 12

The Global Landscape of Loss

We explore how collective loss—like the pandemic—impacts personal grief and how to cope with global challenges. This chapter emphasizes the importance of community and compassion.

Exercise: Metta Meditation – Practice loving-kindness meditation to foster empathy for yourself and others.


The Path Ahead

This closing chapter reminds you that healing is not a destination but an ongoing journey. It encourages you to embrace change and continue growing, no matter where you are on your path.

Book an Event with Author Heather Stang

Looking for a thoughtful and engaging guest or speaker? I’d love to join your podcast, bookstore event, or speaking engagement to share insights from my upcoming book, Navigating Loss.

In this conversation, I explore both death and non-death losses—like divorce, caregiving, estrangement, and more—providing practical tools, personal stories, and evidence-based techniques to help others navigate grief.

Whether your audience is coping with grief themselves, supporting others, or interested in the broader conversation around emotional well-being, I bring empathy, expertise, and actionable insights. Each event is tailored to meet the needs of your audience, with opportunities for interactive discussion, audience questions, or guided mindfulness exercises.

If you're interested in booking me for a podcast, in-person event, or speaking engagement, let’s connect! I’d love to support your audience with meaningful conversation and practical tools for healing.

Available for:

  • Podcast interviews
  • Bookstore events and signings
  • Keynote speeches and panels
  • Workshops and group discussions


From Grief to Peace Guided Journal