After my husband died, I was not even sure I existed anymore. We had been married for thirty-three years, and my identity was tied closely to his. After some time spent in shock and later feeling numb and disconnected from everything around me, I asked myself what I was supposed to do now.

What Do I Do Now That My Husband Died?

Grief expert and author explores compassionate ways to cope with overdose grief, remove the stigma and remember the love in Podcast Episode 27.

Coping With Overdose Grief: Removing the Stigma, Remembering the Love with Dave Roberts, LMSW

Sibling survivor & grief professional Dr. Heidi Horsley shares tips and insights fro coping with sibling loss in Podcast Episode 26.

Coping With Sibling Loss: Tips & Insights From A Sibling Survivor & Grief Professional with Heidi Horsley

MINDFULNESS & GRIEF PODCAST EPISODE 24Warriors of Life Conquering Grief & Battling Your Way Back To Happinesswith Richie Pryor SHOW NOTES Richie Pryor’s son and namesake, Richard, sadly died in his sleep a few weeks after a family vacation to Hawaii. Naturally, Richie felt great heartache after the loss of his son, but has found

Warriors of Life: Conquering Grief and Battling Your Way Back To Happiness

Many people do not think of New Year’s Day as a grief holiday, but for those of us who are grieving, January 1st is not an easy one.

REPLAY: New Year’s Day 2020 Grief Workshop: Setting Intentions for Self-Care & Self-Compassion

If you quickly answered YES to the question in the title or if you are new to grief, just stick with me and I will give you practical tools to get out of the victimhood that grief may have on you.

Has Your Grief Stolen Your Joy?

While insomnia is considered a common grief reaction, sleeplessness should not be ignored. A lack of sleep impacts the immune system, your moods, and your ability to handle day-to-day tasks. This handy infographic will help keep sleep tips top of mind.

Grief and Sleep [Infographic] – 7 Tips to Cope with Insomnia after Loss

Dave Roberts discusses how looking back on your life can determine if what you’ve accomplished has meaning, for you and for others who have crossed your path.

The Past can Teach Us to be Of Service to Ourselves After Loss

MINDFULNESS & GRIEF PODCAST EPISODE 22Healthy Lifestyles After LossEat, Sleep, Move, SmellWith Jason Wendroff-Rawnicki SHOW NOTES Grief is a natural and healthy reaction, but if you are like most people, healthy is not a word you would use to describe how you eat or sleep when in the throes of loss. The stress of grief disrupts our

Healthy Lifestyles After Loss: Eat, Sleep, Move, Smell with Jason Wendroff-Rawnicki

MINDFULNESS & GRIEF PODCAST EPISODE 21Widowed ParentsReimagining Life for You & Your ChildrenWith Justin Yopp, Ph.D. SHOW NOTES Coping with your own grief when a spouse dies is hard enough. But what do you do when on top of that you need to raise a grieving family, get everyone to school on time, pay all

Widowed Parents: Reimagining Life For You & Your Children with Justin Yopp

Losing your mother while you’re still young and dependent is one of the hardest things to go through. Michelle Shreeve knows that pain and offers unique therapies to help teens and children cope with their loss.

Parental Death: The Ultimate Teen Guide

As a follow up to her letter to her deceased husband, JenCB shares some of the techniques she uses, and teaches today, for coping with grief and loss and getting through the sadness.

Until Death Do Us NOT Part (Part 2)

In the 19th episode of the Mindfulness & Grief Podcast, R. Glenn Kelly (Ron) shares on the job self-care tips, as well insights into how business leaders and colleagues alike can cultivate a grief-literate work environment. A bereaved father and business leader, Ron is the author several books, including Grief in the Workplace and Sometimes I Cry In The Shower.

Chakras for Grief & Trauma: A Tantric Guide to Energetic Wholeness with Karla Helbert

In this touching letter to her deceased husband, Jen CB lovingly comes to the realization that death does not part them and that the vows they made live on.

‘Til Death Do Us NOT Part (Part 1)

In the 19th episode of the Mindfulness & Grief Podcast, R. Glenn Kelly (Ron) shares on the job self-care tips, as well insights into how business leaders and colleagues alike can cultivate a grief-literate work environment. A bereaved father and business leader, Ron is the author several books, including Grief in the Workplace and Sometimes I Cry In The Shower.

Grief In The Workplace with R. Glenn Kelly