Mindfulness for children is becoming more widely accepted. Learn how one research study showed that students can breathe their way to 15% better grades and an increased sense of well-being.
During this 30 minute practice, I will guide you through a breathing exercise and then a progressive muscle relaxation practice. Next you will focus on a neutral or calming word or phrase. Finally, you imagine “seeing” a healing image of yourself, and if possible imagine feeling your body completely whole and well.
The death of a loved one shatters the assumptive world, leaving little ground to stand on, and it is human nature to seek answers and meaning. Many people search for a timeline – “how long before the pain stops?” Many others want to know what to expect – “what are the stages of grief?” After all, it would be nice to have an easy-to-follow process after the rug has been pulled out from under us. Let’s take a look at the 5 Stages of Grief – where they came from and what went wrong.