MINDFULNESS & GRIEF PODCAST EPISODE 22Healthy Lifestyles After LossEat, Sleep, Move, SmellWith Jason Wendroff-Rawnicki SHOW NOTES Grief is a natural and healthy reaction, but if you are like most people, healthy is not a word you would use to describe how you eat or sleep when in the throes of loss. The stress of grief disrupts our
MINDFULNESS & GRIEF PODCAST EPISODE 21Widowed ParentsReimagining Life for You & Your ChildrenWith Justin Yopp, Ph.D. SHOW NOTES Coping with your own grief when a spouse dies is hard enough. But what do you do when on top of that you need to raise a grieving family, get everyone to school on time, pay all
In the 19th episode of the Mindfulness & Grief Podcast, R. Glenn Kelly (Ron) shares on the job self-care tips, as well insights into how business leaders and colleagues alike can cultivate a grief-literate work environment. A bereaved father and business leader, Ron is the author several books, including Grief in the Workplace and Sometimes I Cry In The Shower.
In the 19th episode of the Mindfulness & Grief Podcast, R. Glenn Kelly (Ron) shares on the job self-care tips, as well insights into how business leaders and colleagues alike can cultivate a grief-literate work environment. A bereaved father and business leader, Ron is the author several books, including Grief in the Workplace and Sometimes I Cry In The Shower.
Recent studies have revealed that nurses experience one of the highest rates of work-related stress among all professions, with over 60% of nurses stating that stress was a significant issue in their work lives. Workplace stress is prevalent in most high-stress, fast paced environments and can lead to significant illness; nurses are no exception to this risk.
Kim Colegrove is the founder of the PauseFirst Project, which offers Mindfulness for First Responders, and was founded in honor of her husband, Special Agent David M. Colegrove, who died by suicide in 2014. Kim learned the practice of transcendental meditation at the age of ten. After her husband’s death, Kim used her practice to cope with her own grief and loss. Now, with more than 40 years of practice under her belt, she is helping police, firefighters, EMS, paramedics, dispatchers, corrections officers, and other first responders cope with the daily stress and trauma of the job.
At the age of 38, Claire Hoffman became a widow when her husband experienced a drug overdose. A mother of one, Claire describes this event as having a butterfly effect over her entire world. In an effort to cope with the loss and gain wisdom and insight, Claire has gathered together grief experts from around the world for the Liberate Your Grief Spotcast, a 5 day event offering hope and healing to anyone who has experienced a major loss.
Jan Warner, author of Grief Day by Day: Simple Practices and Daily Guidance for Living With Loss, shares how her deep love for her husband Artie lives on, how to deal with people who just don’t understand, and how Grief Day by Day can help you become your own “grief whisperer.” What I love about this interview with Jan is her honest and unfiltered view of life after loss that balances the reality of the pain of loss with the love and levity that helps you continue to live on.