If you have been blaming yourself for the death of your loved one, or feeling guilty that you didn’t do something you “should” have done, you are not alone. Whether your special person died by suicide, an overdose, long-term illness or suddenly, self-blame often appears. Guilt and shame are heavy burdens to bear, and add more suffering on top of our broken heart. Learn how to manage these difficult emotions in episode 31.

Guilt, Regret, & Traumatic Loss: How To Stop Blaming Yourself
grief emotional wellbeing covid 19 pandemic

Dreams and sleep are understandably impacted as we all try to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. Those of us who are already grieving carry an extra load of anxiety in addition to an already aching heart. In this episode, returning guest Dr. Joshua Black shares helpful insights that will empower us to take care of our emotional

Dreams & Your Emotional Wellbeing During The COVID-19 Pandemic With Dr. Joshua Black