In episode 50 of the Mindfulness & Grief Podcast, Reid Petersonshares his story of losing both father figures in his life and the grief that comes with living without those important people. Although he was not close to his biological father the way he hoped, Reid still grieves the relationship that he wished he had with him. After his loss, Reid found support through grief groups but wanted more consistent support. This led him to create a grief support app that offers daily audio messages for grief education.

#50 Fatherless Odyssey: Navigating Both Biological & Step-Father Loss with Reid Peterson

In episode 49, bereaved father Eric Hodgdon explores how he leads a life of intention in the wake of incredible pain over the death of his daughter, Zoi, who died by suicide. He shares his fond memories of a loving and fun girl who was a sweet, supportive peer to those who knew her. Family, friends, and patients who traveled their mental health path alongside her all remember Zoi as a very special person.

#49 A Sherpa Named Zoi: How to Walk Through Grief & Live With Intention with Eric Hodgdon
Amy Novotny

In Episode 42, Dr. Amy Novotny shares her emotional journey of living with a mother that was bipolar and suffered from borderline personality disorder, being tutored by her throughout higher education, and eventually losing her to cancer. The grief left Amy struggling with an unexplainable physical illness that she was eventually able to overcome, and now she teaches how to ease your physical pain when grief is stored in the body.

#42 How Grief Is Stored In The Body & What We Can Do To Help Ourselves Ease The Pain with Dr. Amy Novotny
Daniel Hess

When two health scares hit Katherine May’s family, she was forced to slow down and learn a valuable lesson — staying busy doesn’t always mean you’re doing something productive with your time. The idea of wintering creates the opportunity to slow down the pace of life, observe as it transitions from one season to another, and find hope in the next phase of your life.

#41 Just A Boy Blaming Himself: Revisiting Childhood Loss Through A Grown Up’s Eyes with Daniel Hess

When two health scares hit Katherine May’s family, she was forced to slow down and learn a valuable lesson — staying busy doesn’t always mean you’re doing something productive with your time. The idea of wintering creates the opportunity to slow down the pace of life, observe as it transitions from one season to another, and find hope in the next phase of your life.

#40 Wintering: The Power of Rest & Retreat in Difficult Times with Author Katherine May

Neil Beresin never set out to become a chaplain. In fact, he worked in the nonprofit world for 20 years. But everything changed for him when both his parents became ill and passed away within 5 weeks of each other. This devastating loss changed the trajectory of his life. Neil is now a chaplain and grief counselor who specializes in healing through poetry.

#39 Grief & Poetry: Creating Sacred Space Through Language & Presence with Chaplain Neil Beresin
grief emotional wellbeing covid 19 pandemic

Dreams and sleep are understandably impacted as we all try to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. Those of us who are already grieving carry an extra load of anxiety in addition to an already aching heart. In this episode, returning guest Dr. Joshua Black shares helpful insights that will empower us to take care of our emotional

Dreams & Your Emotional Wellbeing During The COVID-19 Pandemic With Dr. Joshua Black