The Mindfulness & Grief Book:
Your Compassionate Guide To Life After Loss

When we love we grieve. But when we lose, we are often lost. If you are looking for help navigating this challenging time, Mindfulness & Grief can light the way.

Based on the Mindfulness & Grief System that Heather created, this book features inspiring stories of hope and resilience from her students, as well as over 35 meditation, yoga, journaling and expressive arts exercises designed to help you cope with loss and reengage with life.

The Mindfulness & Grief System

How To Cope With Grief And Reengage With Your Life After Loss

Coping with grief may seem like an impossible task. Few words bring comfort, and there is no quick fix for a broken heart. In addition to overwhelming sadness, we often feel vulnerable, disoriented, and maybe even beaten down. You may feel like you have little energy to invest in coping with the pain of loss, and wonder how you would even go about this in the first place. This site is here to help.

To begin, there is no right or wrong way to cope with grief—as long as you are not causing yourself harm. It is a natural process that all of us experience in our own way. The
5 Stages of grief have long been disproved, and time is not what heals grief. It is, in fact, what you do with your time that matters.

It does not matter if you are new to mindfulness - in fact many people discover mindfulness-based practices during difficult times. Mindfulness for grief is not about whitewashing your pain, or "getting over" your loss. It is about learning how to stay present, cultivate compassion, and make wise choices that will help you cope with this new normal known as life after loss.

How Meditation Can​
Help With Grief

Reduce Emotional Suffering

The emotional overload that comes with grief can make us feel stuck. Once you learn how to skillfully pay attention to your emotions, you may be surprised by the relief it can bring. Try these practices to reduce emotional stress.

Cope With Anxiety & Worry

Human beings are thinking animals. But we can’t think our way out of grief. If you feel like your thinking mind is on overdrive, these simple focusing techniques can bring you relief and even turn your stress switch to off.

Release Physical Tension

From sore muscles and headaches, to feeling lethargic and breathless, the pain of loss is a whole person event. If your body doesn’t feel good, it is even harder to cope with emotional pain. Try these relaxation techniques.

Get the compassionate support you need plus mindfulness-based tools to navigate life after loss.

Meditation | Journaling | Self-care | Sharing