New Ways of Thinking About Grief

By Heather Stang, MA, C-IAYT

Posted: March 23, 2011

Thank you Craig for bringing up the “time is a healer” myth. Psychologi­st and thanatolog­ist Dr. Robert Neimeyer (and his crew at the University of Memphis, including Joe Currier) report that time only has a 1% effect on bereavemen­t. It isn’t the amount of time, but what is done with the time that matters. (Yes, many of us know that line is often uttered by well meaning people who have no idea what to say, however it is nice to have some mathematic­al data to back it up.)

Jai! Heather Whittingto­n
More on Death
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Heather Stang, MA, C-IAYT

About the author

Heather Stang, M.A. is the author of Living with Grief and the guided journal, From Grief To Peace. She is the creator of the Mindfulness & Grief System that is featured in the Handbook of Grief Therapies (2023) and is the founder of Awaken, a mindfulness-based online grief support group. Heather also hosts the Mindfulness & Grief Podcast, and offers mindfulness-based grief support online through her organization, the Mindfulness & Grief Institute. She holds a Masters degree in Thanatology (Death, Dying, and Bereavement) from Hood College in Maryland, and is a certified Yoga Therapist. She currently lives in Falling Waters, WV.

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